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It’s not just about the singular individual it’s the united front, risidual,
You just don’t fucking understand that,
You just want to know who’s in charge
Who’s got the largest
Who owns this plantation
Pays your bills and in elation you’ll bow
Down to him in self preservation while he lops everyone else’s heads off
And then you’re left standing alone in a field of headlessness

The owner turns to you and grinds you into powder with his mortise and pistol and snorts you, boo hoo!

Or maybe you can just run away from the carnage in your wake

The blood stains your heart

You could have listened with us and stood with us

The joke is that every single organizer knows your fear and every day looks it in the eye
The stakes are always high
The most privileged fucks are the ones who cower with their tails between their
legs and point fingers
While we fight your battles and you don’t even cry with us
You just wait and see who will win
While we bear your sins
And if you do take action
But your reaction is to actively sabotage your neighbors
In order to receive good graces and favors
Status and a place next to the owners
Or to, you know, get promoted into snuff

Our empathy for you is never enough

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